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Broadway Style Musicals on the CPT Stage

Christian Performance Theatre produces Broadway-style, family-friendly musicals throughout the year for audiences of thousands. Students enrolled in classes (ages 8-18) are eligible to audition for a CPT show. Students not cast in the show can work behind-the-scenes on the technical or backstage crew. Parents play an important part with roles on production committees that help bring the show to life. Everyone makes lasting friendships and memories with our CPT family. 

Attending a Christian Performance Theatre family musical is an excellent way to introduce children to the arts at a young age.

See yourself on stage!

Auditions are a wonderful way for students to gain self-confidence and experience in performing in front of people. Currently enrolled CPT students ages ages 8-18 have the opportunity to audition for a Broadway-style production that is presented at the end of each session. Click on the show image below for more information about each show. 

show director Intern Position

Looking to gain experience in the world of Music Theatre? A CPT Show Director Intern gets to work directly with Directors and Coordinators during rehearsals and performances. As a Show Director Intern, you will gain valuable experience in a specific field of theatre (music, dance, drama) or can learn administrative duties as a Show Coordinator Intern. If you are looking into a career or future in the field of Theatre, this position will give you a depth of experience and direct mentorship and growth through teaching and directing CPT students.  The experience can be added to your resumes for either job experience or college application community involvement.   CPT Intern Application.  

Upcoming Shows